We lost our 2nd Golden Retriever to cancer, which was a particularly painful illness for him. I decided our hearts would heal better if we didn't wait two years like we did after our 1st retriever died, so we found the perfect retriever family and made a visit to see the pups. The breeder was picking out our puppy based on our family and when we went to pick him up, we found she had given us the 'spirited' pup of the litter! She told us we might have some behavior issues with him........Well, she was right!! He's strong-willed, big, and likes to use his weight to get what he wants. We love him dearly and he's become a true member of our family!
Over the past couple years Chesters anxiety and separation anxiety have gotten worse each day. We weren't actually sure what to do but knew something needed to be done! We no longer enjoyed him going in the car or taking him on roadtrips because of his pacing or constant panting and general nervousness. Since two days ago, when our trainer, Chris, worked with us on 'place', Chester has been fantastic in the car! We are very excited that we have finally found a solution to our issues. And, since we are planning an extended RV camping trip this summer, we might take him along now that he's become easier to deal with in the car. We will be diligently working with him on this so that we can take him!!
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