Our son adopted a puppy from Motley Zoo animal rescue and also has a 2 year old Vizela/Mastiff. We looked at the website and found a picture of Myrcella, who is an identical match to Rowan(our son 's dog.) We immediately applied for her at a meet and greet at Petco in Redmond, fell in love with her. She is also the sibling the other one our son adopted (Crowley) We met Porter too and fell in love with him as well.They are both Pit mixes and we want to train them, so people are impressed at how behaved and loving pit 's can be.We want them to be happy and we want to be happy with them too.
They are all about making owners and pets happy with each other and to eliminate any potential problems. They don 't just give you commands and leave you to do everything yourselves. We also have support at anytime.
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