RB was originally a family dog adopted in 2010 from a breeder in California. Throughout the years RB's reactiveness to sudden movements and loud noises became problematic. After an incident with RB reacting and biting a member of our family, I knew it was time for change and luckily I was just getting my start with Got Sit. RB became primarily my dog and responsibility after this. Though he still enjoys over nights at my family home.
Attention, balance and happiness is all I ever want for any animal I own. Got Sit allowed me to train RB to know that I am the source of all good for him, and trust that what ever the situation is no matter how distracting, loud or sudden that he is okay. Got Sit Dog Training gives you EVERYthing you need to have an awesome dog, under control and off leash. No matter the issue, we can help!
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